If you need legal advice or want to know if you have a case, send us an e-mail by filling out the form below, or call us at (617) 871-1500 to schedule a consultation with Attorney Tara Swartz, your Kansas City employment law and business law attorney. Evening and weekend appointments are available upon request.
At Swartz Law, we provide dedicated one-on-one service in the most cost effective manner to achieve the best results possible. We represent employees and small businesses in the Kansas City and surrounding region and throughout Missouri and Kansas. We also service clients in Massachusetts through our Boston office. For more information about the firm’s Massachusetts practice check out our Boston website.
12022 Blue Valley Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66213
(816) 444-8900
Boston Office:
100 State Street
Suite 900
Boston, MA 02109
(617) 871-1500