Whistleblowing Claims Lawyer
Defending Whistleblowers in Kansas, Including the Kansas City and Missouri and Kansas of Kansas, From Wrongful Termination
Many whistleblowers experience adverse action taken by supervisors or companies, including forced resignation or wrongful termination, for reporting activities that violate company policy or the law. However, there are a number of Kansas state and federal laws that protect the rights of whistleblowers from retaliation by employers.
If you were wrongfully let go after reporting an illegal incident or ongoing business practice, you can talk with Attorney Tara Swartz, of Swartz Law, LLC, in Overland Park, Kansas. She will help you enforce your workplace rights and protect your interests in pursuing legal action against responsible parties.
Creative, Collaborative Representation
Whistleblowing claims involve extensive investigation and they are often driven by certain actions, reactions and facts. Swartz Law can help you take advantage of the various complex whistleblowing laws to protect your rights and interests. Working collaboratively with you, we will outline your options and help you navigate the legal process from start to finish.
Our firm can and will aggressively pursue your rights as a whistleblower. As your advocate, Attorney Tara Swartz seeks to help you achieve the best possible results by utilizing all means available, including negotiation, mediation, arbitration or litigation.
The False Claims Act and the Dodd-Frank Act
Under the False Claims Act and the Dodd-Frank Act, whistleblowers are sometimes entitled to receive a portion of any monies recovered by the federal government against a company found guilty of committing fraud or performing other illegal activities. With a decade of experience protecting employees’ rights in employment law, Attorney Tara Swartz can help you determine whether these apply to your case and whether you might be entitled to compensation.
Enforce Your Workplace Rights – Contact Our Firm Today
Is your company engaging in fraud or other illegal activity? Were you wrongfully let go after reporting fraud or other illegal activities? Protect your rights by contacting Swartz Law online or by calling (816) 444-8900 to schedule a confidential consultation with our Overland Park whistleblowing claims lawyer. We offer evening and weekend appointments upon request.