Sexual Harassment Claims Lawyer

Sexual harassment in the workplace occurs in all occupations and at all levels. Its victims include both men and women and the harasser can be the same sex as the victim. The impact of sexual harassment is devastating to victims and to workplace culture and morale. Swartz Law understands the sensitive nature of these claims and is skilled at resolving them swiftly and confidentially.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment encompasses a wide variety of actions, including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, and repeated degrading or humiliating sexual jokes or comments. It also occurs at all levels and by bosses and coworkers alike.

There are two types of sexual harassment claims under the law – quid pro quo (Latin for ‘this for that’) and hostile work environment.

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when submission to sexual advances or favors is required to obtain job benefits such as a pay raise or promotion, or rejection of such conduct results in adverse job actions such as a reduction in pay, a demotion, or termination. This type of harassment is most commonly instigated by a supervisor, manager or other agent of an employer with the authority to make employment decisions which impact your job. It is an abuse of power and employers are held strictly liable for such conduct under the law.

Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment

Hostile work environment sexual harassment claims arise when derogatory, stereotypical or humiliating comments and ‘jokes’ occur repeatedly in the workplace such that it creates a hostile, offensive or intimidating work environment. Whether the harassment you are enduring rises to the level that the law recognizes as constituting a legal claim depends on its severity, recurrence, and pervasiveness. One incident, such as a comment by a co-worker that ‘you are a tease’ will not create a claim. An extreme act, however, such as an assault may be sufficient standing alone. How many incidents you must endure, for how long, and how drastic of an impact those incidents must have on your work environment is case-specific and requires evaluation by an expert.

Contact a Overland Park and Kansas Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Due to the sensitive nature of sexual harassment and fear of retribution victims often remain silent in their jobs far too long. If you are experiencing sexually demeaning comments or conduct of any kind you should seek assistance from an expert immediately. An experienced Overland Park and Kansas employment lawyer can assist in ensuring the conduct ceases so that you can return to a positive work environment and that your employer holds the harasser accountable. For more information, contact Swartz Law online or by calling (816) 444-8900.

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